Sunday, November 9, 2008

Instant asshole, just add alcohol.

I woke up last night at 4am to the loud choral singing of some Jimmy Buffet song by the frat-looking house behind my building.  This house was also visited by the police the night before, which prompted the loud commands of, presumably, the residents of the house:  "This is not a f@#*ing drill!  Get the f@#* out, now!"  Needless to say, I was surprised at their daring to host a loud gathering the night after being called upon by law enforcement.  Perhaps they don't remember it?  That said, it's really not a big deal. 

I easily went back to bed until 7:30 when I got up to go to CVS for milk to replace the sour milk in my refridgerator.  On the walk I discovered the following:

  • The traffic cone outside of my building intending to mark part of the sidewalk to stay off of had been thrown into the hedge/garden of my building.

  • Numerous beer cans/bottles/boxes were strewn all over the street.

  • At least 3 free magazine and/or daily newspaper boxes had been tipped over and their contents spread over a large area of the sidewalk.

This is not normally the case.  What made last night different than any other night?  Night time football game.  At Michigan State, we didn't frequently have these due to past bad behavior -- probably a good idea.  Something about sports and alcohol really gets people riled up.  I say "people," but I really have a hard time envisioning a group of 19-24 year-old women doing these things -- for the most part.  Likewise, I can't see a mixed group of men and women doing these things. 

Something about the presense of a woman makes us men think a little bit more before being assholes.  At first, one might think tipping over a trash can will impress the female, but after doing so it becomes clear that the opposite is the case.  Perhaps the solution to University and City cleanliness is to be sure that men are with women, so that when we try and do something stupid, someone is there to call us an idiot and tell us to stop, since we apparently can't do it alone.

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